Chicago...close enough to wheaton to spontaneously go there, far enough to be a huge inconvenience to leave there...
Our trip to the city was a great time. Feeling inspired after the michigan game, Stev and I decided to take the 8:54 downtown. We got in around 10 and, after a colt 45 40, we stopped in the bathrooms at ogilvie and made our way to Duffy's. At Duffy's, Anderson's old frat bro, Bryce, was working and we bought $20 all you can drink bud light and wells wristbands. Losing the influence of the Colt 45's, Stev and I drank at a torrid pace, trying to get back to that level...This rate continued until 1, when the all you can drink expired, but Sandra had just texted me that they were at Hotel Victor, a club near river northish. So we hailed a cab and made our way down.
After waiting in line for about 15 minutes stev and I got in and met up with Sandra and some of her friends/sorority sisters. They had formed a seemingly unbreakable circle, which I really didnt notice, but it made it hard to interact with all of them. Most of the people there were latino and there was music coming from all directions. We danced until about 3 AM when Sandra and her friends left. They left in a hurry and Stev and I were left outside with no idea what to do. We hopped in a cab and headed back to Steph's apt.
I swear the cab ride must have taken 25-30 minutes because the driver took all these wrong turns, at least thats what I thought.
Me: "Hey, why don't we turn left here, we're trying to get to Melrose"
Driver: "You want me to turn left from the right lane?"
Me: "Well, why are you even in the right lane?"
Driver: "Would you please just let me drive?"
This guy...we eventually got there and I had to wake up my sister to have her let us in. She had made this makeshift bed for me and Stev slept on the couch.
Oh, Stev has the smallest/weakest bladder, I learned a lot about him last night.
I woke up a few times in the night and sometimes had no idea where I was. When I finally woke up for good I though it was 9 or so...nope, it was 12:15...So we made our way southward to the train station. This walk, deemed "The longest walk of shame" by Cassie, was miserable. It was sunny, there was this festival thing and I was extremely hungover. After 15 minutes of walking we hopped on the red line to get back downtown. Another 15 minutes walking after, we got to Ogilvie. We chilled for about an hour, waiting for the train and I worked on not being hung over.
Finally getting home we recovered for a little and got some Capri pizza for dinner. We played some Smash and then met up with Anderson, who had been having dinner with Jackie. We went to Dominick's and picked up a 24 pack of Bud Light. We also got some spaghetti, Stev and I were hungry again. We played Asshole for a good amount of time, but I think we had some good conversation during that time. Suffice to say that I'm really grateful for my friends and the honesty we share with each other.
P.S. Bears got lucky with that call today...
"I learned a lot about him last night" Hilarious, I appreciate the sparing of details, maybe people will want to check out my page to hear the story ha...Fyi President is more fun with at least 4 people. *cough cough squires cough cough*