Saturday, February 12, 2011

Reggie Miller vs. the New York Knicks

I forgot to mention that I'm titling each of my blogs after a 30 for 30 that I have watched because my sister gave me the first 15 episodes for Christmas.  So the King's Ransom was about when Wayne Gretzky got traded from the Edmonton Oilers to the LA Kings.  Last blog really didn't have anything I could relate to that so I forgot to mention that.  I've made 2 new notes on my phone:

1. "Becoming our parents (the coughsneeze)

All my Wheaton friends know how badly I want to move out and find my own place.  People always tell me stuff  about how I sometimes act like Ron or something.  While I can't bring myself to say that I don't want to be like him, I can say that having lived at home, there are certain things that I want to omit from my personal habits.  Examples:  Every morning, without fail, if I don't wake up to my alarm, I wake up to Ron clearing his throat downstairs at the kitchen table.  He does it a lot in the mornings and its loud and he does about 3 or 4 throat clearings each time.  I just can't stand it.  I know its not fair, obviously its something he can't control, but just hearing it literally every morning is the worst. Also, I'm not a morning person and when I go downstairs hes always at the kitchen table read the paper.  As he's reading he always goes "Hmm, hm, HMMM", as if he's reading an interesting article.  I know he does it because he wants me to ask, "What's so interesting Ron?", these days I don't though so he usually pauses for 10 seconds or so after then just tells me anyway.  Sometimes he tells me about something I already know, which is the worst. A couple days ago, "Wow! Jerry Sloan resigned".  I knew that already though, usually I'm just too tired to tell him I already knew that so I just respond in kind, "Hm".

Anyways, the coughsneeze is Ron's version of sneezing.  It's a very abbreviated sneeze so it sounds like a cough.  At work the other day, I sneezed and my officemate goes, "Sorry, but are you sneezing or coughing because every time I sneeze you say 'God bless you' to me, and I would also say it to you but I just don't know if you're coughing or sneezing." I explained to him that I was sneezing and realized I'm going to be exactly like Ron in that sense. Ugh...Sneezes are not something we can control, let alone how we sound when we actually sneeze.  I guess I'll just have to accept that I will become more and more like Ron everyday and just hope for the best.

2. "The couple years Jordan wasnt around"

This idea stemmed from the 30 for 30 that chronicled the 2 years that Jordan was playing minor league baseball.  Since I was a Bulls fan, I really don;t remember paying any attention to those years.  Watching this 30 for 30 though, I realized that those were two awesome years of basketball.  I highly suggest that you check out that show.  I wanted to compare Jordan not being around to us not being around AA.  Not to say we are like the MJs U of M, but to say that I want to keep an eye on what's going on there even when I'm not around.

I have to go pick up Fulton and return a shirt, I wanted to talk about this more.  I welcome you all to think about it and leave your comments.  Stev, I know you helped them with the Avatar Mock Rock haha.  Cassie, I guess you're kind of like the Pippen because you're still in AA but we're not all together.

Here's to the becoming Ron version 2.0,



  1. I have to say Chin becoming Ron isn't all that bad, can't you picture it now your little kids calling you asking you all these random questions and you Knowing all the answers? Sounds like not too bad of a deal to me...I wonder which one of my parents I would be like, right now it's really not going either direction, perhaps an Aunt or Uncle. And yes Stann and I can't seem to leave Mock Rock alone, although it was near impossible to really help much being so far away, and I think next Year with Saint gone we won't have much of a hand in it at all.

  2. Chin...I don't know who Pippen is...but I totally hear you with becoming like our parents...I am clearly a young betsy...I didn't realize until recently that we both have a taste for scarfs...I have like 20...and so does she...and here I thought I was being all unique...
