What do you think when you see an attractive girl/guy walk into a room?
I think I usually like to think that they've at least noticed me, too. A cocky mentality, and probably one that prevents things from happening...So a poor mentality to have nonetheless. I get this feeling of, "Well, they should approach me then...". Ah whatever, in this Wheaton area the girls are usually complicated, see Nicole. I think earlier in life I would think that they don't even notice me and still not do anything about it.
I guess thats why there's the Stevs and Stanns in the world, they are the ones who actually do something about a cute girl in a room. Like its a missed opportunity should they just walk out with no words/numbers exchanged. I suppose I should give him a call soon, get a pep talk. Stev, next time we hang that's what I think the goal should be. With the suits, I'll be feeling pretty confident. We need to make sure Mike O can be out there then.
I'm talking about this because some Wheaton College girls just walked into the coffee shop Dre and I are in. He Facebook chat's me, "You see those girls who just walked in? That one is gorgeous". I've developed this terrible habit of not looking at girls when they walk into places, kind of just catching them in the corner of my eye. Buy her an espresso shot, send it over. I know that Cassie would love that. Why are Wheaton girls so "high maintenance"? I think its just because they were raised comfortably in most cases, that combined with the piety of the town, they usually have pretty high standards. Even when I was talking to my ex ex about why her and I never did more physically she just went, "Oh Wheaton girls..." like its something they're just born into and can't control.
Here's to the Wheaton girl,
Ah Chin, its funny that you would post on this topic because this weekend I felt this exact thing. Since I'm newly stepping back into the game I found myself on Friday playing the "she'll come to me game" I should let you know that unlike the Naked Man that game fails 2/3 times. It's just something about the nature of the world that makes the guy responsible for making first contact, unless the girl is super outgoing or super drunk...in either case prolly not the type you're looking for. But when we do hit up AA in April we'll def be practicing the art of first contact.