I guess the "big" news for me this past week and a half is that I met this really cute girl at Muldoon's. It was actually last last monday, when UConn and Butler were playing for the national championship. This girl was sitting at in the corner table with her friend and we kept making eye contact. I noticed she was just drinking water, which I don't mind, I mean, it was a Monday. So I was still riding the "Do sumthinnn" theme so I actually did something. I was with my friend Sean and I told him as we were leaving that I was going to say something to this girl. So I used the worst in line known, "I'm sorry, but you look really familiar, where do you go to school?" The line is besides the point, the fact that I actually talked to this girl and her friend for a good 15 minutes shows that I'm doing better with these things. The other unsmooth part is that I didn't get a number and I can't remember her exact name, its either Suzanne or Susana. And her friend, I have no idea, I do not remember. So I've been calling Suzanne/Susana by her alias, "Mousey". Sean said she looked like a mouse. Anyways, Mousey is a Junior at Wheaton College and was at Muldoon's doing a study for her intro to anthro class. They were observing and recording the was people interact in certain social settings. They chose Muldoon's. Mousey said they would be there a lot for this project and that was my stupid excuse to not try to get a number, "Oh, I'll see her later..." I've been back there every night that I could find someone to go with me, be it Drabik, Sean, Fabian, or Moran. Tonight, no one could go, so that's why I finally have time to write this. I'll be pretty upset if I find out she was there tonight.
Since that night, I have been trying to figure out why I have this attraction to girls who go to these fairly conservative Christian schools. This is what I have decided: I want to instill the things I learned from being at U of M to a Wheaton girl/ a girl that thinks life if fluffy and all that. I even tried to think of individual things that 1502 taught me...
Wheeler taught me to be carefree, like the turn off your brain kind of carefree. The "real" carefree.
Stev taught me to talk to strangers, girls particularly, and that they sometimes like those mysterious/borderline creepy responses.
Cass-eyes taught me to be a lush. I mean, wine nights were awesome and then we would just harass Cassie, "Cheeen! I keeel you!" Plus Cass is the biggest lush herself.
Mike O. taught me that sometimes you've got to step on other peoples toes. I had my rough times with him, but looking back he was hilarious and he's a great friend.
Grant taught me that you can do your own thing and still be considered a great friend.
Krista, I didn't learn much from her...that's ok though.
And honestly, all of these traits, I do believe I carry more than I did before Michigan, I'm not just saying them to reminisce or something. So back to the Wheaton girl thing, I think I want to "convert" one more or less. Not that I want them to drop their Christian faith, in fact, I would prefer they grow stronger in it because, Lord knows, I could use some strengthening myself. I just want to I guess corrupt one just a little so that things that are normally taboo to them are more openly discussed because I feel like that is the purest form of honesty. there's other reasons too, but thats just an example. I could rant about it forever, but I see you all enough so we can talk about and I can get your opinions.
With the risk of sounding like a broken record, I'm really looking forward to the Easter weekend trip.
This is not my winning recipe...
Here's to, obviously, Mousey,
"Krista, I didn't learn much from her...that's ok though." I love that haha...Also that Sangria looks better than mine, hopefully I won't drop the ball on that and put in some good work this weekend....As for Mousey, I look forward to hearing more about how her story develops because it sounds like a nice opening to a good story. See you next week.
ReplyDeletehaha...the part Stev quoted made me laugh out loud.
ReplyDeleteSee you soon!!!