Sunday, October 10, 2010

"I'm going to break up with him, in like...a week"


Today...started slow again.  I woke up around 12:30 and gave Fulton a call.  He's in town this weekend for no reason in particular.  He was still asleep, he picked up tho. I told him I would stop by in a little, after dropping off my sister's key at my grandma's.  Anyway, we went to the Egglectic Cafe, last time I went there was to meet Killer and Stev when they were in town.  We saw one of Fulton's old flames across the street and it was kind of awkward so we dodged looks from her.  Afterwards, we went to my house and watched some college football (I will not mention what games we watched specifically).  Fulton went home and I relaxed for a bit then we met up and did a wine tasting.  We found a friend there, Stev you may remember her, and apparently she's breaking up with her boyfriend next week.  She left and after the tasting we went next door and met up with some of Fulton's friends who once went to Taylor but have since been kicked out.  They were pretty cute and afterwards we went back to my house and had some more wine.  They eventually left and Fulton and I had a good talk.

As shallow as it sounds I was just saying how nice it is to look at a nice female body.  Not in a lustful way, but it just appeals to the male instinct to appreciate some nice curves or a cute face.  I think that's why old men say girls are "so pretty".  It's not like they get all bothered by it, but it's just like listening to a song you love or seeing a painting you like, it's just something we appreciate and deep down you don't know why.  "Why do you like that song so much", "I don't know, it just appeals to me".

My point of interest yesterday occurred to me when Squires and I went for a bike ride.  My theory is that being single is like being in the "Honeymoon" phase, only its not always.  If you're single, and have no active prospects, you just kind of chill and have these people that you're not committed to.  It's a nice thing and I believe that I've had this honeymoon feeling with Nicole only because our relationship has not been allowed to evolve beyond me knowing the things I like about her.  Sure, I've been frustrated at times but that's only because I don't know how she feels.  But yeah, the honeymoon phase is great and it's definitely a perk of being single.

Tomorrow is a day of watching football and probably hanging with Jake until he heads back to Taylor.

Here's Squires and I saving some precious Wheaton wildlife on out bike ride yesterday.

Here's to Taylor students,


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