Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Last One (1502 Style)

So I worked at Shane's all day today, I am filling in for Esse tomorrow for the day shift, too.

Anyways, I've been watching Friends at night, admittedly I always made fun of the show when my sister watched it.  Tonight's episode was a repeat of "The Last One", the final Friends episode of the series.  IT was filled with touching moments that built up to the disbanding of the 6 of them.  Now, they were all friends for 10 seasons, I think, so quite awhile.  After watching the sentimental episode I got to thinking, how would you show 1502's last moments together within 25 minutes?

Keeping the 25 minute restraint, I think personally, the show would kick-off with Wheeler leaving for the airport...So unfortunately he wouldn't be in much of the episode.  Then the show would condense the rest of 1502's nightly adventures into one crazy night, again due to the 25 minute time limit.  This night would include a pong tourney at the house, in the breezeway (missing IT), a last walk down White St. together with us reminiscing, drunkenly, it would take us to Hotel Arch for a power hour, which would be edited to about a minute, then we would head to the various South U sites.  To complete the 5-7 minute last night montage, we would all wander off with various interests.  Roll commercials.  The next shot would open to all of us crammed into a booth at Benny's, all hungover.  We'd all make snide remarks about what we did the night before, make fun of Cassie and then the old lady would put coffee in Cassie's hot chocolate.  We'd be laughing, having a good time.  Then we would go back to the house and begin cleaning up the house from the night before, not.  We'd go back, and it would be edited such that it was my last day there.  I would be all packed up and leave, I suppose.  Commercial. The final part of the episode would be the introduction of Mike D. and Kenzo.  I can't say much of what would happen in this part of the episode, seeing s I was in Mexico, but I'd like to know how it could be summarized in the final 6-7 minutes of the episode.

That's roughly how I would summarize, no clip show like Seinfeld and no sentimental moment where we all put our keys to the house on the counter top like Friends (I still have mine).

Haha, our first reunion episode would come the next week, essentially defeating the purpose of a finale.  This episode would start with the departure of Mike D. and start with Wheeler and I arriving.  It would probably be well-received however it would lack the 1502 house so it would not become a spinoff series.  Maybe another night I will think about how this episode would go, or maybe someone else can (wink wink).

Hopefully the next reunion episode will happen here in November, I guess we'll see.

Cassie, I'm sure you've seen this already
Here's to 8:30 being the earliest I've woken up in awhile,


1 comment:

  1. I have to admit, that is a great 1502 finale. I really think it would make for great TV as well..."Wheeler wouldn't be in most of the episode"...priceless ha ha
