Monday, January 10, 2011

As I wait...

As I wait for my computer to finish installing Visual Basic so I can do some programming before Wednesday, I find myself with some time to write.  First off, this installation is so complicated and I really hope that once I start work on Wednesday I'll feel confident with my programming abilities.  Just doing this installation reminds me a bit of why I chose to minimize the amount of programming classes I took at school.

This weekend was awesome.  Ann Arbor was a great time once again.  My first night in town I got to see almost everyone I wanted to.  Sweeney and I started off by going to Packard Pub for dinner where we ran into coach Fred.  He bought us our first round of beers.  Eventually, Lizzie and Terpak came too.  It was funny because Sweeney ordered Lizzie some wine even though a) she's not 21 and b) her XC coach had just talked to her earlier in the day about how she goes out too much.  Then our stupid waitress brought the wine out while Fred was visiting us at our table.  So all Fred sees is Lizzie getting this glass of wine placed in front of her.  Hopefully he didn't tell Lizzie's coach.  After pub, we went to Sweeney's for some beers.  Then Ricky, Terp, Sweeney and I went to Charley's with Bp and some of her friends.  No one was really there so we to go to Blue Lep.  For some reason we didn't go in and I split up with the group to meet up with Cassie at the Jug with a bunch of her friends.  Sackllah was there so we talked for a little.  I left after a little to meet up with Sweeney and Co. at Cantina.  Then Uzi came by and picked me up and we went to Rush Street with him and Matt Perez.  We stayed there for a little bit and then went to Taco Bell then back to Uzi's.  I eventually walked back to hotel Arch to sleep.

The next day we went to the Eastern Invitational.  Cassie eventually came and her and I went to find a coffee place in downtown Ypsi.  Bad choice.  Any and all restaurants/cafes/anything with food were closed for some reason.  There were a lot of other places open but none of them had coffee.  So we headed back to the Union at Eastern and got some cheap coffee there.  Pregaming in jerseys was tons of fun that night.  Eventually, Fulton showed up with some friends from Novi.  I ended up taking them to Rick's where, conveniently, the rest of the group was.  We all danced and actually, I think that's the longest time I have ever spent at Rick's, Niccce!  I walked home with Fulton and Co. and they had a DD to take them back to Novi so I helped them get situated with their car and everything then I headed back to Arch.

I woke up, felt great, Sweeney brought Ricky and I breakfast in bed, watched some TV and I headed home.  I have a list of things to do before I start work on Wednesday, we'll see if I can get it all done.  This stupid VB installer is taking way longer than I expected.

Here's to Hotel Arch,



  1. That is a lot to do in one day, I wonder if my trip will be that productive....only one way to find out. Also, good luck on Wednesday, if we don't see each other in a week or so in AA we'll have to plan another weekend to celebrate the new job of yours.
