Thursday, January 13, 2011

"The Faster you Fall Behind..."

"The Longer you have to Catch Up".

A terrible mantra to live by, I thought it was pretty clever.

The first two days of work have been pretty good.  Yesterday was filled with paperwork to establish myself as a worker there; confidentiality agreements, healthcare, and W-4 forms etc...At the end of the workday, my boss gave me the information on the first project.  I'm working on a wireless gaming headset for an Xbox 360.  It's pretty well developed already but it will be a good place for me to get familiar with the technology and stuff.

Today at work was a little different.  I got to test the equipment out.  That meant playing about an hour of Halo with a coworker using another Xbox in another room.  Pretty cool stuff, the headphones I'm working on are here. Nice!  Anyways, after lunch, we discovered some bad news about one of the workers.  It made the entire afternoon pretty sad and it was really quiet in the office.

I'm pretty excited about the new job but at the same time I'm excited for the weekend, my mom has an indoor pool at her apartment so I might head over there with some friends.  Whether or not I head back to Ann Arbor next weekend remains to be seen.


Here's to videogames at work,


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