Friday, December 3, 2010

Shouldve eaten a pork chop

So I'm sitting in the lobby of a tire shop. Turns out there was a nail in my passenger side front tire and I am going downtown tonight to a Chinese banquet with my Grandma. I figured that it would be a good time to update right now.

Zinc my little mishap at stephs house I have been relatively productive. I applied to a job at Chrysler and just received an email for a position with John deere in Dubuque, Iowa. The position sounds pretty good, its 2+ years a contracted electrical engineer. The pay is a little lower than I would like but it's still pretty good. I talked to shane about it and he said his uncle or dad works for John deere and they are very good to their employees.

My grandma kind of guilted me into going to this banquet but I figure its a good thing to do because, well, shes my grandma. I hope I don't get stuck in a snowstorm on the way back. My sister an Trent will be there too, so it should be fun.

I am still feeling pretty embarrassed about the whole incident at stephs, mostly because I really don't remember a lot of it. I could have and probably did make a complete fool of myself. I am going to hang out with Sean this weekend to hopefully get some information on what happened.

After this tire fix, I think I'll get an oil change if I have time.

No media this time since I'm on my phone.

Here's to Dubuque, IA,


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an interesting Gig. What exactly would you be doing?
